Congrats to Joe McDonald drove 12hrs last weekend to pick up and test his car. Would have been a great opportunity to try and teach him some tips and tricks. Since he has never driven a car with that power level or set up. Manuel Aponte (CMB Tuning) is just a animal.Joe McDonaldWent to a local track to get a feel for the car. He surpassed my Exception big time. He picked up the hang of it in 2 passes. Car will be a low 8 sec car for sure. Cant wait to see it at its full potential.
2nd pass he got taken out the grove and pulled right so he let off. Would have been a 5.6 pass
Juan would like to take this opportunity and thank the people involved in his team: "I would like to thank Shiva at Straight Line Motorsports for all the help and support on this car. Weld Wheels for sponsoring us for the 2021-2022 season with wheels. Manuel CMB TUNING for making this car faster and faster every pass. Being part of the family and guiding me in the right direction every step of the way. Matt at Speed Factory never has a no for us. Car has almost every cataloged part from Speed Factory Racing. Juan Giraldo as well, ever since moving to Texas he took on the role as our crew chief and insures everything is ready to go between rounds. Beeri at Traum Pistons. Making sure we have pistons for our events. Bob at Golden Eagle MFG. Having blocks ready for us and never having a no for us. Read more
Tx2k recap. Due to all the unfortunate chain of events of crashes weather clean ups. We only were able to make 2 qualifying hits. With that being s...
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Want to run a time, not sure what parts to buy or what combo will work for your goals? Watch this video explaining the different classes of racing and how to build a car for a specific class.
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